Accelerated Master's (4+1) Engineering Program with the University of Pennsylvania

This combined degree program enables qualified undergraduates from Bryn Mawr and Haverford to begin a master's degree program at Penn Engineering while still completing their undergraduate degree at their respective institution. A student admitted to this 4+1 program will complete studies at Bryn Mawr College, then enroll one additional year at Penn, and receive a Bachelor's of Arts from Bryn Mawr and a Master's in Engineering from Penn.

During your four years at Bryn Mawr, you may enroll in up to three undergraduate engineering courses (biotechnology master's students may count up to four) through reciprocal course exchange agreements with Penn and Swarthmore. Because completion of this combined degree program requires additional courses beyond those required for the BMC major, it is essential to begin taking appropriate science and math courses at Bryn Mawr in the first semester of your freshman year. It is also strongly recommended that you take an introductory engineering course at Penn or Swarthmore before applying to the program to help you decide whether this path of study is one you wish to pursue. Please consult with the Bryn Mawr faculty contact, listed in the table below, to learn more about the combined degree program that interests you.

Students formally apply to the 4+1 program during the first semester of their junior year. Application deadline is Feb. 1. A GPA of 3.0 in all courses and of 3.0 in science and math courses is required to apply. You must apply to a particular masters degree program. Application procedures are described on the Accelerated Masters Program.

After being accepted, and after completing any prerequisite undergraduate engineering and science courses, students take three graduate engineering courses at Penn while still enrolled at Bryn Mawr. (There is no additional financial charge for these courses.) During your four years at Bryn Mawr, you will also complete all graduation requirements, including the major. You graduate from Bryn Mawr at the normal time, along with your class.

The fifth year of the program is spent entirely at Penn. You will take seven additional graduate courses to complete the requirements for the Master’s degree. There is no financial aid available from Penn for the fifth year of the program, though you are eligible for federal student loans. Visit Penn's tuition site for cost information.

To find out more about the master's programs at Penn, the entry requirements, and/or graduation requirements, consult the list of programs. Additional questions may be directed to the Graduate Coordinators of each program or to Alyse Edwards, M.Ed, Director, Graduate Programs, University of Pennsylvania, School of Engineering and Applied Science, at or 215-898-5877.

Important Reminder for Students:

Before reaching out to an external institution regarding your degree requirements or course transfer inquiries, please ensure that you have thoroughly reviewed and followed Bryn Mawr College's guidelines outlined on the Subatriculation page. Additionally, for students interested in combined degree programs, please refer to the Combined Degrees page.

Master’s Degree

Required BMC Major

BMC Faculty Contact